About Us

Welcome to mithilaworld.in – a platform dedicated to exploring the beauty, culture, and heritage of the Mithila region.

Our Mission

At mithilaworld.in, our mission is to shed light on the rich tapestry of Mithila’s cultural heritage. We aim to provide our readers with a deeper understanding of this historically significant region, renowned for its traditional arts, customs, and timeless wisdom.

What We Offer

Exploration: We strive to be a comprehensive guide to Mithila, offering insights into its art, history, traditions, festivals, and more.


Madhubani Art Showcase:

We celebrate the unique and vibrant Madhubani art, a hallmark of the Mithila region. We feature artists, their works, and delve into the intricate stories these paintings tell.

Cultural Insights: 

We endeavor to share insights into the diverse and multifaceted culture of Mithila, showcasing its music, dance, cuisine, and folklore.

Founder & Content Creator

I'm  deeply passionate about the Mithila region and its cultural richness. and share  love for this extraordinary part of the world.

We love engaging with our readers and fellow enthusiasts of Mithila. If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to contribute to mithilaworld.in.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery and appreciation for the captivating world of Mithila.